Alumet – Expert in Hoogwaardig Aluminium Anodiseren

Faculteit Geowetenschappen

Project Description

Folded earth layers and geological deformations formed the inspiration for this striking new building of the faculty Geosciences of Utrecht University. With its solid horizontal bands, the building connects architecturally to the nature of its user and to the adjacent buildings of TNO and GML, with which it forms a trinity. The most public functions of the building lie behind a two-layer transparent plinth. Here employees in different spheres can escape from the working atmosphere. The upper office floors, which look introverted on the outside, have a spatially dynamic interior thanks to a large vide that rotates a quarter of a turn per floor. Geosciences has obtained the BREEAM-NL Excellent qualification. Alumet anodised the plinths in the colour AluGrey.

Project Details


Faculteit Geowetenschappen


Utrecht, Nederland


Inbo Architecten



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